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By Mike Devaney 14 May, 2024
What do muscle contractions, blood circulation, fluid balance, and your ability to read this very sentence have in common? They all depend on a short list of charged minerals called electrolytes. Without electrolytes, the perpetual flow of biochemistry couldn’t dance. It wouldn’t even know how to dance. Much of the time you’ll catch me speaking to electrolytes’ role in hydration, particularly sodium. There’s a pervasive myth that drinking tons of water will magically keep you hydrated. In actuality, sodium is taking water out for a walk. Where sodium goes, water follows. But unwittingly, many folks are trying to walk 12 Great Danes at once — they’re drinking as if from a firehose, diluting blood sodium levels, and sending their fluid and electrolyte balance all out of whack. My point is: In order to feel and perform your best, it’s crucial to consume electrolytes along with fluids. But hydration is just one chapter of the electrolyte story. Quietly, imperceptibly, electrolytes support the very processes that keep you alive. They help sustain life in beautiful harmony with your brain, heart, endocrine system, and more.
By Mike Devaney 25 Apr, 2024
Trust us. We understand busy schedules. In fact, many of the members we have here at CrossFit Dark Horse initially joined because they needed a more efficient workout that didn’t require them to be in the gym for hours at a time. That’s why we’ve put together this list of ways you can make your time at the gym as productive and fulfilling as possible! 1. SET A TRAINING SCHEDULE While you generally enjoy coming into the gym, there are some days when maybe overtime at work, school drop-off or pick-up, family issues and other things can really get you in the mood to skip the workout “just because.” A good way to deter the “just because” excuse is to get into the habit of coming in at the same time on the same days. Once you’ve created this habit, it becomes automatic. You’ll find yourself going to the gym without any challenge regardless of the plants who could probably use watering (or any other strange excuse you give yourself.) Bottom line : A schedule keeps you consistent, and consistency is the key to forming healthy habits. 2. TRACK YOUR PROGRESS, CELEBRATE ACHIEVEMENTS If you’re serious about hitting your fitness goal, it’s critical to track your progress. And we don’t mean stepping on the scale every morning and completely freaking out at any increase in weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you’re doing it right you’ll be gaining lean muscle while you’re losing fat which doesn’t always result in seeing a lower number on the scale. Throw out that scale and use Wodify! Keeping track of your workouts, PRs, and progress will help you train with a purpose. If you did 5 back squats at 135 a few months ago, and that sequence has come up again, well now you’ll know the number to try and beat. Bottom line : Knowing what you did yesterday will help you be better today. 3. COME EARLY, STAY LATE (TRAIN MORE, CHAT MORE) Many of us get into the habit of coming in on-time and leaving on-time. That’s by no means a bad habit. But to make the most of your workout, the best thing you can do is put in a little extra time before and after class. We know, working out before working out sounds like advice from a crazy person, but it’s really the key to taking your fitness to the next level. It’s no news to say that putting in some extra credit will turn you into a better athlete, but when you do it with other athletes that like to go above and beyond outside of class times, you’re fostering some really positive relationships. That’s when the true awesomeness happens. Bottom line : To get the most out of your training session, put in some extra work both physically and socially. 4. ASK FOR HELP It’s ok to admit that you feel a little intimidated to ask for help at the gym. But don’t be! Even those big, huge, grunting, bearded guys were new once. Everyone has been in the same spot and there’s absolutely no shame in needing some extra help to understand a movement. In fact, that’s the sign of a smart athlete who’s on their way to big things. Bottom line : There’s no such thing as a stupid question. Except for maybe, “Can I pee before you start the clock?” We don’t like that one. 5. ALWAYS HAVE A WATER BOTTLE CLOSE BY (ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU’RE NOT TRAINING) Are you the type to only drink water when you’re feeling really thirsty or maybe you like to chug the majority of your day’s water intake right before and after a WOD? Well, you might want to change that and here’s why. Feeling thirsty and getting dry mouth indicates that your body is already dehydrated. Dehydration can reduce the volume of blood pumped by the heart which means less oxygen to the muscles which often results in premature fatigue. And if you try to quick fix your dehydration by drinking lots of fluid right before class it can cause bloating and cramping. That’s a terrible way to suffer through a WOD. This is especially important for women. “Women are not small men,” says Stacy Sims, Ph.D., exercise physiologist-nutrition scientist. “They’re five times more likely than men to have GI problems when exercising... women are also more likely to suffer from heat exhaustion and heat stroke.” Bottom line : To get the most out of your training session, stay hydrated all day long before you step foot into the box. PRO TI P: Use electrolytes! We like LMNT. It's tasty and replenishes important minerals you lose through sweat. Use this link to get a free sample pack with all the flavors on your first purchase! (Raspberry is my favorite flavor.) 6. SLEEP MORE We want you to sleep more. In fact, we insist you sleep more. We can’t stress enough the importance of getting a good night’s rest because without it, all the training and dieting in the world will just be a waste of time. It’s hard to believe that something you do when you’re not even awake can be one of the most important ways you can make the most out of your training sessions, but it’s true. To put it simply, lack of sleep stresses out your body which cases weight gain and anxiety. Bottom line : Prioritize your sleep. Prioritize your well-being. 7. PRACTICE MOBILITY AT HOME Stretching and becoming more flexible really shouldn’t take a back seat in your plan to become a fitter you. If we could tack on an extra 30 minutes to the WOD for mobility, we’d do just that! An hour a day at the box isn’t going to undo a lifetime of sitting on your bum craning over a keyboard. Invest in a few key items for home like a foam roller and a PVC pipe to improve your range of motion while you’re watching TV or right before bed. Practicing mobility at home will improve your overall athletic ability and will decrease the risk of injury. Bottom line : Mobilize everywhere and invest in the tools to do so.

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